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K Microelettrica Catalogue | Mobility | Applications | Rolling Stock | View Components by Traction Chain Type – AC
Traction Chain Type
We supply components for power control, cooling and measurement.
In this section, you can also find integrated systems that assemble several components into optimized functional units.
Data Collection System
Collect energy data from vehicles
Roof Disconnector
Isolate the roof line
from the power source
Machine room blower
Ensure ventilation and
fresh air circulation
in power cabinets
AC/DC Metering
Measure consumed and
regenerated DC energy
Provide overvoltage protection
to electrical circuits
Data Handling System
Manage Energy Billing Data
(CEBD) files for the ground-based
Data Collection System (DCS)
Traction Transformer Blower
Provide oil cooling and/or forced
ventilation to transformers
Multisystem vehicle configurator (TAP)
Allow to configure the secondary
based on the catenary voltage
Precharge Contactor
Control the circuit
capacitors pre-charge
Line Contactor
Isolate the railway
vehicles from the
power supply
Precharge Resistor
Limit the current of pre-charge
Discharge Resistor
Limit the current during
filters discharge
Isolating Earthing Switch
Ensure circuit isolation and
grounding for safe maintenance
Coach Power Supply Contactor
Isolate coaches from the
primary power supply
Heater Contactor
Control heating resistors
Traction Converter Fan
Dissipate traction converter
power losses through
forced ventilation
Multisystem vehicle configurator (2F)
Allow to configure the secondary
based on the catenary voltage
Isolating Earthing Switch
Ensure circuit isolation and
grounding for safe maintenance
Traction Converter Fan
Dissipate traction converter
power losses through
forced ventilation
Motor Isolation Contactor
Isolate the motor and
protect the inverter
Battery charger output contactor
Isolate auxiliary batteries from its charger
Battery charger input contactor
Isolate battery chargers from
the primary power supply
AUX output contactors
Isolate auxiliary loads
from the auxiliary inverter
AUX input contactor
Isolate auxiliary inverters
from the DC-link
Traction Motor Blower
Dissipate traction motor
power losses through
forced ventilation