Protection Relays
for Grid Protection
Grid protection ensures swift detection and response to abnormal operating conditions like faults, voltage or frequency fluctuations in the interconnection of the main power grid with secondary distribution systems or renewable energy plants.
Microelettrica solutions for Grid, Voltage and Frequency protection are suitable to meet different needs, with a wide range of protection functions and dedicated products for standard compliances.
F Standard Feeder (ANSI 50/51, 51BF, 50N/51N, 68, 86)
FF Advanced Feeder (ANSI 46, 49, 50/51, 51BF, 50N/51N, 68, 79, 86)
V Standard Voltage (ANSI 27, 59, 81, 68, 86)
VV Advanced Voltage (ANSI 27, 27V1, 59, 59N, 59V2, 68, 81, 86)
M Motor (ANSI 37, 46, 48, 49, 51LR, 64, 66, 68, 86)
Dir Directional (ANSI 67, 67N)
AF Additional Functions
Note: 68, 86 not present in N-DIN series