Protection Relays
for Feeder Protection
Feeder protection ensures the uninterrupted operation of feeders, detecting faults and disturbances and avoiding their propagation to further parts of the electrical network.
Microelettrica solutions for Feeder protection are suitable to meet different needs, from overcurrent and earth-fault protection to additional voltage, frequency and directional discrimination functions, as well as specific standard compliances.
F Standard Feeder (ANSI 50/51, 51BF, 50N/51N, 68, 86)
FF Advanced Feeder (ANSI 46, 49, 50/51, 51BF, 50N/51N, 68, 79, 86)
V Standard Voltage (ANSI 27, 59, 81, 68, 86)
VV Advanced Voltage (ANSI 27, 27V1, 59, 59N, 59V2, 68, 81, 86)
M Motor (ANSI 37, 46, 48, 49, 51LR, 64, 66, 68, 86)
Dir Directional (ANSI 67, 67N)
AF Additional Functions
Note: 68, 86 not present in N-DIN series