Power Distribution

From the pantograph to all power converters, the power distribution can include multiple functions that our solutions can fully support with a modular approach: protection via HSCB, energy measurement for billing, safety earthing system, and power line components necessary to feed converters.

Our High Voltage boxes can integrate all these components combining standard modules in compact, flexible and digital solutions.

  • Easy wiring, installation, and access for maintenance
  • Short time-to-market thanks to smart design solutions
  • Plug-and-play, fully tested products
  • New intelligent unit for digitalized control & diagnostic services to/from TCMS
Image Image
Integrated Functional Unit (IFU) Smart Integrated Functional Unit (SIFU)
SPECIFICATIONS Nominal Operational Voltage [Vdc] 750 / 1500 / 3000 750 / 1500 / 3000
Conventional free air thermal current @75°C [A] Up to 3200 Up to 3200
Indoor installation Assembly on metal plate Metal switchgear in cabin
Outdoor installation - Metal enclosure on roof or underframe
Overvoltage protection - Option
FUNCTIONS Line current measurement T M / T
Line Voltage Measurement - M / T
Energy calculation - M
Harmonics detection - M
Overcurrent detection - M
Main line protection - M (Single or multi voltage HSCB)
Pre-charge current limitation M M
Pre-charge control M M
Roof line disconnection - M
Ground connection - M
Converter line control M M
SMART functionality (diagnostic, autotest, etc.) - Option
Fire detection & extinguish - Option

M: Made by Microelettrica
T: Third parties